Friday, November 22, 2013


I feel like for the first time in my life I am actually experiencing what "fall" SHOULD feel like. I am sorta loving it (although Séamus and I both agree we would prefer CA weather still).

Today was high 40's-low 50's. Low wind. Some overcast but mostly sunny. I couldn't help but keep us outside all day. 

Not much new happens to us to post about. Séamus will be 12 weeks tomorrow! He is still big too. He has rolled over and sits up well. And oh when he smiles...he loves me it shows. :)

Sariah loves him. It's adorable and heart warming and all te mushy stuff. She likes to hold him and read to him and make him dance. She also will sleep anywhere. Most nights she goes to sleep in bed, but we wake up to find her in the glider or dog bed or the couch or her little couch. It's ridiculous and adorable.

Joe and I saw Enders Game in theaters last week. It's the first movie we have seen in theaters (together) for about 2 1/2 years. That's crazy! 

I am working 6 hours a week, and that is the perfect amount for us right now. Sariah is doing SO much better about being left without me and I appreciate it so much. 

We also bought a gun this week. And it's my gun (since I have the NE drivers license). It's a shotgun and Joe is really excited to go hunting next year. 

And...yep. That's what's new-ish.

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1 comment:

  1. I think it's cool you guys go out shooting! Why go on a movie date when you can go shoot?? We recently had Emmy babysat while Garth and I saw Frozen. First time out without baby together for more than 15 minutes. It was actually really enjoyable!
