Saturday, December 28, 2013


I meant to post about Thanksgiving.
Really I did. I even took pictures (on a real camera) just so that I could write and tell people about it.
It just...never happened.

Until now! 
After Christmas!
A weekend before New Years!

One of the few nice things about living in the Midwest is that Joe's dad's side of the family lives super close. And they are so nice and are always inviting us to come visit and to family events & holidays.
Thanksgiving was exactly one of those times- so we packed up and headed up North (didn't even leave Nebraska!) to have Thanksgiving with some of joes Aunts & Uncles and a few cousins thrown in as well.
There were even some distant cousins for Sariah to play with as well! 
It was a nice day. It was a cold day...but very nice to enjoy it with family! 

We even tried to go on a "hike" as a new family tradition...we didn't make it that far. 
But Sariah- man, she is becoming more and more of a true idahoian every day! She is like a polar bear in the cold.

So- that's was Thanksgiving for us! :)

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1 comment:

  1. Your baby looks SO CUDDLY! Is it worse than Rexburg in Nebraska cold wise?
