Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Its me....AGAIN!

Sorry, I am trying to update more for all my wonderful friends & family out there!
I have probably been so bad with updating because our life is getting so crazy, but there is nothing to really "show" for it, just a lot of planning/stressing about where we will be, and what we will be doing this next year. 

Anyways! I am pretty ok with 2013 being over. Other than Séamus being born, it was a pretty lousy year. 
But Séamus being born was pretty great. He is ADORABLE beyond belief. At his 4 month checkup he is 27.5" tall (off the charts) and weighs 16.4 oz (80%). He has had more problems then Sariah health wise (partial circ, scare with coughing, gaundice, not popping, colds, weight gain- a LOT of if, and now uneven fat folds??) but he is an amazing baby!
It's crazy how different he & Sariah already are!
He has a schedule. He always gets cranky & tired at 7 pm. He always takes a 3-4 hour nap in the morning. He hates bath time. He is so alert and aware, and observes everything. He loves kisses and he LOVES me. And I am sorta in love with that. Who could hate a baby that basically from birth turns their head when they hear your voice and won't stop looking and smiling at you? 
It's wonderful.

This next year we have hopefully a lot going on and happening! 
We plan on Joe graduating in August (yay for a Masters!) and will either start a job or a phd...that's where the scary part comes in, but we are looking forward to whatever comes! 
Especially the end of winter- TOTALY looking forward to that.

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1 comment:

  1. Yay for a Masters indeed! Garth is peeking into going back to school, but nothing is confirmed. Did Joe have to take a test (GRE, GMAT, etc) to get in? And if so, any study guides to recommend for either? Can you see I'm clueless about this?
    Any reason why Sariah has a black nose? Reminds me of Rudolph when his dad gets his nose dirty to hide the glowing from Santa. :P
