Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Everyone sing it with me, "What is love?"

With the season now in place, all my shows are coming back! (Once Upon A Time, Revenge, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Vampire Diaries, Walking Dead...)
In Jr. High and high school I always had weekly shows (7th Heaven, Buffy, Angel, Gilmore Girls, Smallville, True Calling, Joan of Arcadia, etc...), and I watched them religiously. But this trend of watching shows stopped about the time I went to college (also there were like no good shows out then it seems). 
So, I have noticed something. It seems like all the shows nowadays, or pop culture in general, have a "Meant to be" couple. 
Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Revenge, just a few... Compared to old shows, such as Buffy, Gilmore Girls- where there were many different romances in the series, and the viewers were Okay with it. But now, heck- if any of these "meant to be" couples broke up, people (I) would be furious! 

I don't quite get it. Sure it isn't ALWAYS like this, but I feel like it is a growing trend to have "soul mates". I feel like the world is forcing itself to believe in this train of thought.  I don't get it. I think the idea of soul mates a bit depressing. 
Every time a couple gets in a fight, they are always thinking, "What if this is the wrong choice? What if he/she ISN'T my soul mate?", so they break up a perfectly good relationship- based on some fable. And instead of working towards a relationship that could be perfect and eternal, they give it up because it isn't instantly perfect. 
No wonder divorce is rising.
It is a bleak way to live. And its covered in fear, not faith or love. 

I believe that love is a choice. 
I think that to love is to feel the sun from both sides.
To love is to fall in mutual weirdness with another, and call it love.
It is all those cheesy quotes you find but can't help to love- because it is true.
It is work.
It is faith.
It is trust.
It is friendship.
It is forgiveness.

Love is happiness.

1 comment:

  1. I got repeatedly disappointed in gilmore girls about luke and lorelai. i was like Get married pleeeeease so you can stop mak thing bad choices in men..... anywho. flashback over. But you are right, love is not ever perfect... but every now and again there are perfect moments!
