Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4th, 2012

Today I found out that yesterday was national mean girls day. I then went around wishing I had known and wanting to watch that movie, with quotes running through my head.
Today I made 2 batches of banana bread. I finally baked with Nutella. I made, banana-nutella bread. I cannot wait.
Today was grocery shopping day, mostly stock-up-for-general-conference trip.
Today I went to a playground and dog park-twice.
Today I went through my normal routine- which ended with putting Sariah to sleep, then tip-toeing around her room to look for Scout. Because, as usual- she can't be away from either of us for too long. As soon as I go into Sariahs room, Scout follows and nestles her self down in the corner. It's cute, really.

It was a pretty normal day.
Oh, except for the fact that apparently I had the "Please pull out in front of me at the last moment so I have to slam on my breaks to not hit you" face on. I tried to take it off- but even when Joe drove, car's could still see it! I hate that face....gotta fix that.

P.S. [Rachel], so funny story- I never caught on to the fact that Lorelei and Luke were supposed to be together, until they were FINALLY 'it'. Crazy, right? Re-watching the episodes, I have no clue how I missed it- but, I did. Yep. I am gullible, does that cover it?

1 comment:

  1. That banana nutella bread sounds like a winner!! ha maybe it was just my attraction to men that cook that put them together. i mean, she eats there enough! But with that logic, i shouldve married an arctic circle employee. im glad i could change your viewing experience :-)
