Friday, October 5, 2012

Today, fried chicken danced in my head.

As I drove about the town today, doing who know's what (Actually- I was walking, now that I take time to think about it). A thought popped into my head: Fried chicken.
Friend chicken with a side of the fluffiest white potatoes and a slab of butter you have ever seen. Paired with equally fluffy biscuits and another slab of butter. Soul mates. But three is better then two- right? So add on another slab of butter onto a corn of cob- and OH MY GOODNESS. You have an American dream come true.

I had a mission. Eat my American dream.
You may suppose my dream is: shallow, fake, ridiculous, sad. But I find it GRATIFYING (have I mentioned that I LOVE puns?). I raced home and whipped on my apron, set Sariah to playing with her new favorite toy: steel cut oats (that girl finds the craziest things!), and set to work.

Step 1: Realize that you may not have everything you need in your kitchen.
Sometimes, when you have such a BRILLIANT dream in place, you get so caught up- and you just assume everything you need is magically in your kitchen. But, if you are anything like me- you HATE making anything if you do not have all the ingredients. SO! Compromise must happen.

After I realized I did not have enough chicken, corn on the cob, or the energy to make this unhealthy, gall bladder dying food, I sunk into despair. My stomach growled for days filled with fried food. But then I got over it, got up, and made something else.

Step 2: Make pizza. 
Which probably took just as long as fried chicken- but was possibly the best pizza you will ever hear about. Truly, it was a masterpiece. My only regret is that it wont survive the weekend. (But totally adapted into chicken/artichoke hearts/alfredo pizza to fit our family's love).

Step 3: Never give up on your dreams.
I know that one day, I will reach my American dream. I will eat my friend chicken, sided with mashed potatoes, biscuits, and corn on the cob. I might even throw in an apple pie.
It will be a day to mark in history. It will be a day to celebrate. It will be fantastic. I will watch out for that day, and keep waiting for it.
One day, my fried chicken will come.

Until then,

Keep Calm and east some pizza.

1 comment:

  1. Well, corn is healthy! kudos to not just getting fast food. you will fry that chicken someday!
