Monday, March 4, 2013

You want to ride MY bicycle?

Happy birthday to me! Joe got me a bike. :)

Funny story is though, this was not the bike he originally got me. After I left for CA Joe pulled a Gift of the Magi on me and stopped/returned his gun and instead got me a bike. But It was on back order till April. And with the weather getting nicer (or so we thought) we were eager beavers and on Saturday we went on the search for a different bike.

And, by golly, we did better.
It's so pretty. Go ahead and admire. It is as nice as it looks.
It is a Bianchi- Milano. Seafoam green. 7 speed, fenders. All this things make me happy. I'm not a hard core biker, and will be riding around in a City with bike paths an towing a trailer.

I tried this bike, then we went to another bike shop and tried some Treks- and while they were nice, this bike had me sold the first time I rode it. It is so smooth. The seat is so comfy. And for the light commuter I will be, it is perfect.
My only complaint is that the "step-through" portion of the bike is so high. As a pregnant women, that was pretty important to me in picking out a bike. But, again- while other bikes had lower and easier step-throughs, I loved the way this bike rode too much to give it up.

So, yes. We have all been enjoying our family bike rides. :)

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1 comment:

  1. OH! That is SUCH a pretty color!! It looks glorious!
