Friday, November 22, 2013

A real post

It's hard to actually want to tell the world anything when I talk to my mom and tell her everything, and when I never feel like I have time to sit in the computer and write a good "real" post. I never feel like what we do is blog-worthy.

But I tell ya what, I will share with you all today! Even though- I admit, it wasn't that cool and so not worth $5 or the hassle of chasing Sariah while carrying Séamus and pushing a stroller through a crowd. 

Anyways- on Wednesday the three of us met up with my friend and her two kids at the brand spankin new Pinnacle Bank Arena here in Lincoln. (Okay- it's even open for like 2 months. But they have already has Bon jovi & pink come for concerts). It's pretty big and cool.

People's City Mission had a little Christmas event going on with donated decorated trees that you could bid on, as well as musical performers, "one-a-person " treats with lousy hot chocolate, and a few kid stations set up to make gingerbread houses, Christmas ornaments and meet Santa. 

Sariah enjoyed running around trying to get past the security guards to the restricted areas (failed), and taking numerous ornaments off the trees (she sure loved the lights on them though!).
We didn't meet Santa- although the line was remarkably short! But I didn't think it would go well with Sariah. She met the mascot of the Children's museum (a star) on Tuesday and was crying and shaking anytime he came near or she even saw him. So no Santa. 

But, I took pictures all the same!

Also- the arena had an awesome quote in the front entrance by Willa Cather. My English Major heart did a flip. (It's also the Midwest so it makes sense).

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  • A real postIt's hard to actually want to tell the world anything when I talk to my mom and tell her everything, and when I never feel like I have time to sit in the computer and write a good "real" post. I never feel like what we do is … Read More

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