Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Mom bears' gotta do, what a Mom bears' gotta do.

It was a long day.
It had been a long weekend, full of driving and being in the car.
Sariah was not a happy camper.

Let me explain.

My parents, Sariah and I went down to Palm Springs area this last weekend to visit some family. We drove all day Friday, spent Saturday shopping, and left Sunday morning. We had left the desert early that morning, had a stop for breakfast and gas- and had that little girl knocked out within an hour of our drive. But, of course, she woke up two hours later- us being just shy of reaching LA.
By the way, this was NOT good. We still live a good 3 hours North of LA. And Sariah had already taken her nap. So, onward we fought with the cranky toddler- making stops along the way to please her.

When we finally reached Santa Barbara, the once beautiful day we had been greeted with, left us and we were left with a rather dreary-looking sky. (NOTE: This is the central coast of California we are talking about, so it was still in the 50's in early February). I had been promised a lunch of Panda Express, and I was excited. I LOVE Panda, Sariah does to, and she needed a break from that car.

Only thing was, when we entered Panda Express, it was PACKED. (another NOTE: Panda Express's never have much seating, and this one is particularly small- with 8 small tables and 4 bar stools). There was a long line, and as we waited in line, we contemplated the idea of eating outside. In the not so pleasant weather. I was not too excited. The idea of fighting against the wind while eating, trying to keep a toddler focused on her food, and having a good time before the last hour of our journey was important to me. Sariah needed to eat inside.
So, we kept our eyes out. But the group in front of us apparently had about 20 people with them and were commandeering every table that came up (I feel proud using that word). Finally as we were paying, a group of 4 were leaving. My dad left us to go take their table- and waited polietly for them to leave. It was clear he was waiting for them. Then, out of no where, these two grubby little kids came and hugged the chairs- as if to claim OUR table. My dad was about to give up. Thus putting us without a place to eat.
I just said, "No, this is ridiculous." and marched over with Sariah, and sat down in a chair at the table. One kid looked at me and my dad, and my dad only said, "I am sorry- but we were in line first." (NOTE: They had JUST gotten in line. Their mom hadn't even ordered food yet.) And then they walked away upset saying, "But it was OUR table!"
It was ours.
You stole it.
I sat in it first.

My mom came over and asked what had happened, and mentioned she thought there was going to be a shoot out at Panda. I very happily sat and ate with a happy Sariah, who was then able to enjoy the last leg of our journey.

And, because I am sure you all think I am a horrible person at this point- the little kids got a table right next to us about a minute or less later. But we certainly would have missed it.
I know it may be ridiculous, and I NEVER would have done that if it was just me- I would have been fine with eating in the car. But I was not going to do that to Sariah.

 Don't mess with a momma bear.

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  1. Momma bear FTW! I love this story! I wish I was that bold sometimes!!

    1. Haha! Thank you =] I felt so bold, it was a new moment for me!

  2. I am not looking forward to the traveling aspect of mother hood. I don't like traveling that much (get claustrophobic in cars for too long)and dealing with another sad human being does not appeal to me.
    HOWEVER if there was a promise of Panda Express... ;) That changes things!
    Good for you for standing up for yourself! :D
