Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why I love California

We all love our hometown state/city/whatever for different and specific reasons.

I know California has problems.
I know it is expensive.
I know it is over crowded.
But I love that place.

I love it because I can get quality, fresh produce all year long.
I love it because in a day I can go to the beach, dessert and mountains.
I love it because it has so much history to teach my family about. The missions, ghost towns, ocean, national and state parks.
I love it because the weather is fantastic and I do not like living in the snow.
I love it because there is so much to do.
I love it for its oceans, good food, and it i where my family is.

Thanks for being so good to us California.

Now, how do I get everyone else to leave so I can have more alone time with my state?

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  1. Love!!!!! My hometown has tons of method, but I love all the good things about it! It's home!

  2. Meth. Thanks kindle. Don't blog on a kindle, it's a crime.

  3. Awww, California has wiped Sariah out!
