Monday, October 1, 2012


Apparently fall is trying to get on my good side.
It had/ told/let Sariah sleep through the night (she had an ear infection and was waking up multiple times a night).
But alas- I am not that easy to win over! I also noticed how Sariah woke up early at 6 am AND how ridiculously windy it is today(30 MPH).

Better luck next time fall, better luck next time.

(Also- in case you needed a reminder about how cute my daughter is).

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  1. Now don't go blaming Fall just because Sariah woke up earlier than you would like. I love Fall; leaving summer and entering seasons of fun and family. Good smells, outdoors and in, beautiful fall colors, cozy homes and meals. Just relax and enjoy it! In fact, I'll bet Sariah is just eager to enjoy the Fall days so much she wakes up early to get a good start!

  2. I am pretty sure all those things can be enjoyed in any season. Besides, you are the one who made me rake all those leaves which is part of the reason I don't like fall.

  3. oh come on Mary! you were so so so not the only one who had to rake up those leaves.
