Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sariahs rubbing off on us...

No, not the "hey, we finally like her" kinda way. We have always loved her.
I mean it's kinda hard NOT to love a toddler who instantly dances to Dolley Parton when she heads her, or who can spot a dog a mile away (seriously, this girl has dogar).

No. More like we ourselves are starting to become toddlers.
We say nonsense to each other.

Today, Joe even said, "Did you see that dogdog?" To ME. (That's what sariah calls dogs).

On Monday we attempted to go to the movies.
It was a success. Before we walked out halfway through the movie because we can no longer sit still through a whole movie. Ya, like a toddler.

Also- total side not, it was the creepiest movie experience ever. We get there and there were 4 other cars in the parking lot. 10 pm at night. During spring break. And there were 3 employees we saw. So ummm... We were the only customers? Then when we walked out, the front area was dark and empty. No one in sight. Ya, creepy.

So, that is how we are slowly, but surely, becoming toddlers. At this point I am glad we are having another- much rather e a toddler again rather than a teenager!

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1 comment:

  1. Awwwwkward about the movie theater.
    Dogdog is a cute phrase :)
