Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Happy Pie Day!

I made a chocolate French silk pie. My favorite.
(Hindsight says I should have stuck with a fruit pie).
See, this past Thanksgiving I made the BEST chocolate French silk pie. Ever. Then for Christmas I was looking for the recipe to make it again, and I could not find it anywhere!!!
All I remember about the poem is that the last step was to add vanilla, which turned the filling from a pudding to a thick paste.
It was magic.
I thought I had found the recipe tonight.
But as I was all but done, I realized it called for RAW EGGS. A huge no-no for Joseph.
At last, it was not my magic recipe.

And now, I am forced to eat this beauty all by myself.
It truly I the risk of getting salmonella that makes food so good.

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