Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Slimy, Yet Satisfying.

When I think of contradictions, I think of this:
"Slimy, yet satisfying"

Today was one of those days, where I feel worn down, but I have no clue how that happened.
I know I did a lot, but it felt unproductive.
Even as I was finishing dinner, my husband looked at me and said, "Today has been a busy day. You look tired. You look like you were productive today."
And I thought to myself, "Yes. I have been." Then I began to realize- I have no idea what I did all day.
With as little facebooking, blogging, pinning and netflixing that I did, I should have been WAY productive. 

So I began to think about it.
I made breakfast.
I babysat (and was active in that- instead of trying to multitask like usual, I actually played with them instead!)
I packed one bag. Yes. ONE bag. It wasn't even packing. I was going through my "clothes that I may one day wear again so I will keep them around just in case" clothes. So that one bag- will be going to charity. That is what I got packed.
Set a box aside to pack up the kitchen things I wont use for the next month- and looked at it guiltily all day long for not doing anything with it.
Did an hour of homework (if that).
Started 2 lods of laundry.
Started to fold 2 loads of laundry that I had done yesterday. But then Sariah wanted to take a nap, so I threw them all in a laundry basket and laid down with her. Productive, eh?
Made lunch. Wait, did I? Did I eat lunch? Oh, thats right. Leftovers.
Went on a walk with the dog/baby as a form of exercise.
Went to the grocery store.
Gave the baby 2 baths.
Made baby food. (That must have been where my day went).
And made dinner.

While I may have done a lot, it was little amounts of a million things.
Getting things done is really hard, especially with a baby.
It gets even harder when you are planning on moving in a month and trying to pack.

Oi- what a day! 
I just want my thin mints. 


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