Monday, March 12, 2012

Finding My Voice.

I have to admit something.
That while this blog is NOT about: my perfect life, crafts, cooking, fashion, etc....
it DOES have a sort of agenda.
I am an English major. And what are 99% of English majors goals in life?
To write a book. (novel, play, basically to get published).
But nowadays, you have to have a following to get published.
ie, a blog.
Hence, this blog. (sorta).

Last week, I got really excited about getting into blogging, and started to follow all these people and reading them, and posting everyday.
When I started blogging 4 years ago, I think I had a voice.
But now I feel like I lost it.
So, pardon me, as I try to find my voice again through the blogging world.

You may experience some changes along the way. 

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