Tuesday, January 3, 2012

At 4 am, just make lemonade.

Sometimes....I get a bit cranky when I have to wake up in the morning various times because for some reason Sariah feels she needs to eat twice as much at night then during the day.
Sometimes....I get a bit cranky when I see that Joe is sleeping while I am walking around like a zombie at 4 am when he is supposed to be doing homework.
Sometimes I am successful at waking him up...normally not.

But the other day, a delightful conversation occurred at 4 am.

Me: Joe, its 4 am, you need to get up. *Said by someone who is awake watching someone else sleep, thus bitter*
Joe: I don't know how. *Said in a groggy has no idea what is going on voice*
Me: You just get up *Said by someone who cannot believe what she just heard*
Joe: Can you do that?
Me: Yes
*And he continues to sleep as I march off more cranky.*

A few hours later, I recount the story to him and we laugh.
What he meant was that he had no alarm to wake him up. It isn't what he said though.

It still makes me laugh, a lot.

Like last week I was having a blonde day, and making a lot of silly mistakes- like parking horribly, making lots of wrong turns, but smiling. Joe was continually trying to drink from his water bottle, and kept complaining that I was purposely driving over all the bumps. I wasn't, I was just driving in a blonde state- and at one point I was about the drive over a man whole and thought I would warn him so he would stop drinking water. After I drove over it and he spilled over himself, he stated, very realistically, that I could have driven around the man whole.
Never even crossed my mind.

So, when life seems ridiculous, just smile...


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