Why are tennis balls bright green? Worst color ever. Do you know how easy it is to lose a tennis ball in a field of freshly fallen snow? The ball sinks inches into the grounded, covering up and scent and color.
I swear Scout and I spent 20 min sniffing and kicking through the snow (respectively), to find that ball.
Also, I don't know why Joe and I insist the dogs eat our if a bowl. Sariah is convinced they should eat off the floor. Normally I object, seeing as she likes to leave their kibble scattered across the kitchen floor- but today she left it in a neat pile in the corner.
I have to admit, place it next to my mason jar- it has aesthetic appeal.
(Btw- I am not opposed to all things mason jars, but I felt this line added more imagery for y'all).
And why must shows add unnecessary drama that is fake and real? I mean sure, it definitely keeps me interested and without it I would probably find my own life more amusing- but some time, ABC, you just go over the top.
The end.
Also, I don't like the idea of leaving you guys without a picture. Here is sariah, demolishing the only thing that she could touch in Williams & Sonoma.
Questioning the WHY
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