Thursday, January 16, 2014

The wind be howling!

Its supposed to be about 45 degrees out today. If not for the horrible tornado-like wind.  Seriously. 
Lincoln is interesting though. They never seem to get TOO intense weather. That cold vortex a week or so ago? Ya... It was cold, but not so bad here (they really probably didn't need to shut the schools down). Whenever the Midwest is supposed to have bad weather- it just seems to circle Lincoln. 
But today is pretty bad. I had to always drive 5-10 miles slower than the speed limit, and hold on to Sariah to ensure she wasn't knocked down or blown away...

Anyways, I am sure you all didn't come here to hear about the weather. But it's always nice to get formalities outta the way.

Tonight I decided that while Séamus is a giant hunk and everyone will love him after they melt from his smile, he is NOT A resturaunt baby. Boy just don't understand that is mama has to eat. 

Sariah has gotten confused that when I say "use your words/ask for it" that I just want her to say "please". It's cute & frustrating all at the same time.

Also- when Sariah is doing something that you don't want her to do, and we stop her, she says "no dada/mama! Go away!"

Also our ward boundaries changed this last Sunday. Sariah will no longer have her best bud Sara at church with her. It's sad. ESPECIALLY because this week they have finally decided to be cute & good & cooperative together and everyday Sariah asks "see Sara?" :/ oh the wo's that change brings.

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1 comment:

  1. Our ward boundaries changed last week too! They added a new ward...nice that the church is growing :)
