Joe loves me.
So much, in fact- he has taken it on himself to make me orange chicken and to fine-then the recipe for our family.
Tonight, we made orange chicken.
It was nearly 8:00 pm, and this pregnant chic was getting cranky as she warded off the toddler with measuring spoon in hand from the dog food.
But at last- dinner was almost ready.
Rice was done.
Chicken was just about cooked through.
All that was left to do was add the cornstarch which he had mixed together with some water in a little bowl, to the orange sauce.
I watched him add it.
THEN, to both of our surprise- we watched as the orange sauce preceded to fizz up and bowl over the pot.
*blink blink*
Me: what was that?
Joe: cornstarch. *looks at counter and picks up container* OR baking soda.
Me: *noticing the vinegar sitting out with the rest of the ingredients* you used vinegar, huh?
Joe: yep.
There went my dinner being done "on time" and to having a clean stove for more than an hour.
But hey, it was fun while it lasted.
A volcano in our kitchen
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