Monday, March 16, 2015

Working on Goals

The rule with goals is, your supposed to write them down. Have steps, and look at it often for any progress to be made and your whole plan to work. 

I have been hearing about the proper form of goal setting since I was at least 12. And I always made the list, but never the steps. To much work, to scary to actually put an action to your plan. 

I am not doing much with my self. I suppose some people might argue this, but I am not happy with myself. I see my friends on facebook who are chasing dreams, their own dreams for themselves, and I am jealous. 

Jealous for no good reason, either. I can chase my own dreams to. I just need to move. I need motivation. I need a plan. 

I want to publish a novel.
I want to have another baby  (reliant on other factors)
I want to love myself.
I want to be healthier. Eat healthier. Live healthier. Lose weight. 
I want to be happy.
I want to be organized.
I want to be clean, mostly my house. 

Those are my goals.
Mainly the first four. I think the rest will fall into place as I get my life in order. 

Step 1. Blog. Write. Daily. 
Really, I may not blog daily. I want to have content, not just fluff- and I feel like I have forgotten how to write. But I want to write creatively, so I am promising myself to write each day for 15 minutes.
I need to remember how to write. Find my voice. Polish my stuff. I want to start submitting things, magazine articles, short stories, even poems- soon. I need to push myself to get out there. 

Step 2. Tell myself good things daily. 
I have heard it said before to tell yourself compliments, but it finally clicked that I can do it. That telling myself good things can help me. So I will tell myself one good thing each day. I am beautiful. I have potential to write. I believe in myself. 

Step 3. Work out 3X a week.
This has actually become harder since I started working (of course, I am busier!), but now that it is getting warmer outside (It was 83 here yesterday!), I can WALL a lot more. I can walk to work, to church, etc. I can reach that 10,000 steps a day goal. Also, I am working on cutting out drinks other than water. I still allow milk, and the occasional special time drink. I have only been at this a week, and have had only one soda, one apple juice, and 2 yoohoos (ok, the yoohoos were a bit on the ridiculous side, but they were in our house and Joe get them for me so I had to finish them off). This is MUCH better than the 1 soda plus cups of juice a day I used to drink. 


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