Today I was a superhero. I rescued a cat. Or, my daughter did.
Is it still rescuing a cat if the cat wasn't in immediate danger, but the owner wanted it back? Of course.
So, we saved this cat. And met the owner, who happens to own a dog grooming place. We met her dogs. Nice fluffy things. She said the same of my kids (more or less). I told her that they funny this is, kids really are like having a puppy.
And then, magic happened. Black, dark magic. My kids did turn into puppies. They chomped and licked, ran away and chased squirrels. That is why I didn't notice it right away. Nothing was out of the ordinary.
Then as we were headed home I decided to stop by the Capitol Building to use the bathroom. As we walked in, trying to be quiet on the marble floor, a cat appeared! They ran for it, pulling myself, the stroller and the hair I had braided from strangers together to make a leash from all with them. They made it up and down four flights of stairs before they caught the thing. Before I could stand up they were both atop of it, ready to attack. I screamed at them to stop, it was sure to not be a pretty sight.
But then the strangest thing.
I woke up.
And found out, it was all a dream.
I am trying to do something different.
To be myself.
To express myself.
To work on my goals and my skills in writing.
To be creative.
Sorry, this is an experiment and I have no clue what to promise each day will bring- but I am working on it.
When you find out your kid really does have four paws....
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