Sunday, May 18, 2014

The obligatory May post

Okay so in a nutshell this is what has happened lately:

-about 1 1/2 weeks ago Séamus had an outpatient surgery (hypo spadias). Not a big deal. We are still in the "recovery" stage of two baths a day and no straddling for another 5 days. Yippie! 
-Another nephew was born! My sister had a beautiful little boy, Wyatt. That I will get to meet someday...
-We go watch the train pass by every day (at least once). Just a normal routine, right?
- We have gone to a local lake for te past two weekends that we LOVE. It has a light house (you know, for all those fishing boats...) it kinda reminds me of muppet treasure island.
-Séamus is adorable. He is army crawling and wants to move so bad. He has two bottom teeth too!
- Sariah has been putting herself to sleep more and more lately. The other day she decided to take a nap in Séamus crib.
-We went to Lincoln about 3 weeks ago and loved to see our friends again!

Till next time. Now enjoy some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo many cute photos! Glad the procedure went well. That's always a relief to get those over with.
