Thursday, June 5, 2014


Yesterday was Joes birthday. 
We celebrated by fishing in the morning, having Chinese food for lunch, and a giant chocolate cake for desert (not the entirety of the cake).

It's getting warm here in Nebraska. And they have the strangest weather. Storms that appear in a matter of minutes with torrential rain, winds that fight your car off the road, and hail storms that threaten crop fields life. I wake up in the morning, take a nice hike with the kids and spend a same afternoon at the park. By dinner I am running with the kids inside weaving through raindrops, and with the any overhead looking like Armageddon. 

That's life here in Western Nebraska.
Crazy weather, hikes, fishing, and daily walks to the park. 

We spend a lot of time applying for jobs, tickling Séamus (he is one ticklish boy!), BBQ'ing and laughing at Sariah. 
She LOVES cows out here. Insist she knows everything. And demands yor participation to all Mickey Mouse Club
house activities. 

It's always exciting.


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