Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sariah Logic

Sariah is what I describe as very "hard to impress". You need to earn her smile/like/trust. I blame her father for this. 

But sometimes she just shines and is SO social. And she likes to say hi/bye to everyone and thing she see's. It's sad when people don't respond back, but cute when they do!
The other day Sariah was walking around the house saying bye to everything she could name.
"Bye dada...bye mama...bye Shea...bye Scout...bye Bike..."

Last night she got a new Barbie, and fell asleep with it in our bed. She was moved to her own bed during the night with said Barbie, minus one Barbie shoe. This mornig she woke up inconsolable. That Barbie shoe was gone! And she wouldn't stop crying till she found it. 

A few weeks ago at one of Séamus dr appt I really needed to use the bathroom. They have 2- and i have always used one over the other just on chance. Today I went into the other one, and after lugging both kids in and locking the door, I turned around to realize this bathroom had a kid size toilet . There was no time to lug both kids into the other bathroom and make it safely- so I just went with it. Sariah did not approve. It was clearly me at for her and started cryibg when I sat on the toilet screaming "my toilet!". Ridiculous much?

Another morning we had pancakes for
Breakfast. Sariah got to the table first, piled on some pancakes in to her plate and drowned those suckers in syrup. When we found her Joe remarked "that's a lot of syrup for those pancakes." Sariah agreed. She nodded her head, graves another pancake and then reached for the syrup and said "more?".

And I just absolutely love what toddlers view as valuable. Or what Sariah chooses to carry around with her/take with her. Like a play fork in a purse to walmart. It's classic.

And that's Sariah for you.

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  • Sariah LogicSariah is what I describe as very "hard to impress". You need to earn her smile/like/trust. I blame her father for this. But sometimes she just shines and is SO social. And she likes to say hi/bye to everyone and thing s… Read More


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