Saturday, February 15, 2014


Valentines day was pretty...low key.

I attempted to make a cute breakfast. Which failed when I realized I didn't buy anything for a cute valentines day breakfast.
No heart shape cookie cutter for pancakes.
No strawberries or cool whip for waffles.
But I did have red sprinkles! So we had semi- pink pancakes.
Joe got a nerf gun
Sariah got a Snow White Barbie (she loves Snow White and barbies and loves putting on their shoes!)
Séamus got baby food. Sweat peas.

Then Joe worked on the car most of the day/ other chores. Sariah had a play date & a dr appt which ended in her having to get a catheter (horrible thing to experience as a patient AND parent), and then we went out to dinner as a family at our favorite Chinese place. YUMM. 
Then we came home and made ice cream Sundays. We each had picked out our own ice cream at the store. Sariah chose a raspberry sorbet because it was pink. She didn't approve of it. 
Then she wanted to sit in my lap and I asked her to let me finish my ice cream . She grew very impatient and a few minutes later took my ice cream and said "her scout" and gave it to scout :/.

So that was V-day for us!

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