And this girl. I am trying so hard to keep my serious face on when scolding her. But the looks she pulls make it impossible. If only you all could see her wide eye expression. It's hilarious.
I declare
This is a declaration. To any and all who may read my blog to hold me accountable.
I always believed, knew, I was capable of doing great things. But it wasn't till recently that I accepted that I lack the motivation to do a…Read More
The Groundhog vs. The weathermanHe was poised for his final attach, to claim this victory that would once again make him a legend. It didn't matter what people said, he needed to do this. He needed to do it for himself. For society, for others. For his wife…Read More
Like blizzard conditionsThe weather in South Dakota is miserable this week. It has been in the negatives all week, with wind chills that would freeze the ears off my dogs (literally). Our car is rather sensitive and won't start in the cold (abo…Read More
According to my phoneBesides the horrible photo quality my phone provides....I have a wonderful life. With amazing people in it.And we don't take nearly enough pictures with daddy.…Read More
Welcome to The Bee HouseThere was a time, when sleep was the beset part of my day.
It was about 2 days after I got home from the hospital with Seamus, till he was about 6 weeks old. His nap time was the best, because then I could not feel guilty and…Read More
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