Wednesday, January 8, 2014

BAM! Another post

Did I tell you about Christmas yet?
It was wonderful.
Keeping Saeiah at bat with the presents was hard.
I think by the time Christmas actually came she had given up on us ever opening the gifts. But alas the day came! I think Joe was just as excited as she was.

Also- I didn't think opening gifts would take so long! Every gift she wanted to open and play with right then.

Sariah LOVES her grocery cart she got. And her art station. And her Barbie doll. Okay, she basically loved everything.

I got Joe and I both small nerf guns- they have brought many a nights full if fun for him, Sariah and scout.

Later that day we drove up to Sioux City where  Jokes family had invited us for Christmaa dinner. It was fun and a perfect way to spend the day.


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  1. This was good! So, 'jokes' family invited you to dinner?

  2. This was good! So, 'jokes' family invited you to dinner?
