Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Goodbye summer...

Summer went too fast.
Part of it was because Lincoln decided to never have Spring.
One day it was cold and rainy, the next hot and humid. 
And the of and on rain all through summer really makes you lose all sense of season.
Plus I worked. Normally about 20 hours a week- and with Joe traveling and ring the busy good grad student he is, I felt like summer never really came.

Today, all the local public schools go back to school.
I am less than 10 days away from my due date.
17 days from Sariahs 2nd birthday.
And in less than 3 weeks Joe begins his last year of his masters program (so proud of him).

It's a lot going on.
And although I never really made it out of the city of Lincoln...or no more than 40 miles, it was still a good summer.
We swam every week, discovered new parks, played with friends, and grew in so many ways (mentally, emotionally and baby belly).

We went fishing at the lake last week.
It was great. 
And now pictures. :)

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  • Goodbye summer...Summer went too fast.Part of it was because Lincoln decided to never have Spring.One day it was cold and rainy, the next hot and humid. And the of and on rain all through summer really makes you lose all sense of season.… Read More

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