Thursday, November 8, 2012

Rumor has it....

A Clean house is considered to be a myth by many.
And to those it does bestow itself upon, brings magical wonders of peace, joy, and happiness.

Few have ever seen such a beauty.
Fewer get to experience it.
But for those few moments of sleeping toddlers, tired dogs, and clean homes, 
It really exists.


  1. Ooo la la! I love how open your home is!

  2. Thanks, big improvement from Avilla, huh?

    1. Hahahahaha oh Avilla, I heard things are just going downhill there. (I want to make a pun about it being at the top of the hill, but, nevermind.) I am very happy for you that you have "upgraded" in life to nice flooring and non concrete brick walls! :D
