Friday, August 2, 2013

Day at the Zoo

There was a special event going on at the zoo here in Lincoln (a children's zoo) that consistent of VERY discounted entry and unlimited train rides. Sariah and I made it to the zoo once last year shortly after we move but haven't been back. And this time we brought Joe along!

It was nice. Still warm at 6:00 in the evening, but Sariah loved feeding the goats, looking at the lemurs, playing in the sand (AND got her first kiss from a boy! And complete stranger) and of course- she LOVES the choo choo and didn't ever want to get off. 

We may be raising a bit of a Tom boy here... She loves trains, bikes, dogs, trucks and planes... But that's okay. She still loves her shoes and dolls! Just not as much as trains or dogs.


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