Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Toddlers & iPhones

II swear that would make a much better sitcom than toddlers & tiaras. 


Did I ever tell you how Sariah put my phone in the bathtub?
Full of water?
With me in it?
Sariah clearly doesn't get "mommy time". 
And especially doesn't understand why mommy would take a bath without her.

So, one day a few weeks back I was relaxing taking a bath. My phone was next to the tub and I was resting (eyes closed).
 Sariah comes in, decides I don't have enough toys??? And throws my iPhone in.

Luckily Joe was right behind her and snatched it up right away (actually, luck would have been if he had stopped her)-we threw it in a bag of rice and all was okay. (I would like to thank otter  box- even though the case isn't water proof).

But anyways.
Seriously. Toddlers and phones. It's fun sometimes to turn on my phone and see what she has deleted, re-arranged, called, or- best of all, taken pictures of.

These definitely make me the happiest.

There were probably about 20 more like this, but I think you get the idea. :)

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1 comment:

  1. LOL!! cute pics! My lil one threw my iphone out the car window a few weeks ago. It's fine (that otter box is amazing)
