Saturday, May 25, 2013

Deer hunt much?

Gotta say, today was pretty great.
Other than being woken up by a paranoid 13 year old dog during a thunder storm... And sleeping with a toddler who keeps kicking you in the face, all went well!

We found out some good information about joining clubs to get scout field qualified (of course we are excited about our dog...).

And Joe finally watched Les Mis with me (gotta admit, I hadn't realized how much they sang/little they talked in that movie. If you don't count the singing, walle might have them beat on dialogue.)

Went on an AMAZING bike ride (Joe got to play in the mud) and Sariah and I got to go deer hunting.
No, not real deer hunting.
Growing up, I was always so excited when my dad would come home from work and we would go "deer hunting". Right around dusk we would hop in his truck, and drive around rich, not-duly developed neighborhoods in the hills and see how many deer we could find. 
I know they are deer, and people see them all the time- but it was an activity I LOVED to do with my dad. So whenever I see a deer, I get excited. 
It was exciting to share that with Sariah on our bike ride today. :)

And as much as we don't enjoy Nebraska, Lincoln has some really great things to it. Like constantly having events going on. And when we were on our way home, we drove through "AmeriCruise" aka, if you have a nice new/old car, come drive down the Main Street in Lincoln and show off.
People lined the streets. Cheesy, but cool.

And that was our day.

Oh! Forgot the best part.
A stranger actually acknowledged my pregnancy for the first time. 
Then Joe said I was "excessive pregnant".
Either way. I am okay with it.

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