Monday, April 1, 2013

That one time I actually updated my blog...

I actually had some BRILLIANT stories I was gonna tell you all today, but then I forgot them.

So, instead I will show you a picture of me 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant.

And say that this pregnancy is making me rather emotional.
Like sit in church and cry because you realize the only reason you wanted steak all weekend is because last Easter your friends invited you over for a steak dinner. And it has been one whole year since we left Rexburg and seen our friends ( except one couple) and it makes you want to cry.

Yes, baby husker- you are making me one emotional pregnant lady.

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  1. Ah, the pregnancy brain. Making women forgetful and emotionally crazy since the beginning of time. haha

  2. Pregnancy hormones! I blamed so many things on them (I'm sure a lot of it was just NORMAL Rachel, but if I can blame the hormones, I do). I couldn't watch ANY sad movies/commercials/ while pregnant without falling apart. 'm sorry you got sad. :(
