Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to make a bad day good.

This last week has been a bit crazy and a lot of EXHAUSTING.

A week ago our fuel pump went out. And had to rely on others for transportation, plus deal with fixing a car-never fun.

Then Joe ended up having a last minute research trip to his fields all across the state this week (his spring break). And since his brother drove a car out to us and was here for a week, we decided to take advantage of the situation and have his brother dog/house sit for us while Sariah and I accompanied Joe.

And oh, I am SO glad we did.
Sariah and I got to hang out with Joe and chill out in a hotel for three days, swimming and watching tv (we miss cable).
We got back home Fri afternoon, exhausted. Driving 400 miles with a toddler is not easy. And then coming home, pregnant, to a visitor in your house- just somehow didn't help.
Plus, the next day we were leaving to drive another 220+ miles to visit family in Iowa. It was exhausting. And I wanted to cry.

But then Joe and his brother went to the store. And when he came back, he made this pregnant lady feel a LOT better :) (with the help of family).

-flowers. YELLOW flowers
-Easter package from family (and who can't help but love Sariahs new dress or things for her to play with?!?)
-The Hobbit


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  • How to make a bad day good.This last week has been a bit crazy and a lot of EXHAUSTING. A week ago our fuel pump went out. And had to rely on others for transportation, plus deal with fixing a car-never fun. Then Joe ended up having a last minute re… Read More


  1. So sweet!!! I'm not even pregnant and I have those days all the time. It's hard being a woman. LOL

  2. Those birthday oreos look mighty fine!
    I agree about the traveling thing...I hate coming home to a dirty house, so I'd probably freak if there was a visitor. I commend you for traveling so much with Sariah. I look Emmy and wonder if I'll ever be brave enough to travel with her. :P

  3. Oh, and Garth says "Joe is a wise man." :)
