Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I had nothing to say today.
Society has me kinda annoyed today.
I mean not ALL society.
Just the part that lies, doesn't look at facts, and believe everything Facebook says.

Yes. That percentage of society. That unfortunately, LARGE, part of society that trusts what Facebook says more than common knowledge.

But, society can rock to. Like all the people that we pass by on walks that tries to make Sariah smile. I like those people.

And the part of society that can proudly say the pledge of allegiance without any second thoughts- just be proud. I like those people too.

But mostly, I like the part of society that makes me laugh because they don't have to gossip or say mean things to be happy. Those people rock the most.

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  • WednesdayI had nothing to say today. Society has me kinda annoyed today. I mean not ALL society. Just the part that lies, doesn't look at facts, and believe everything Facebook says. Yes. That percentage of society. That unfortunatel… Read More

1 comment:

  1. Now I'm curious what initiated this; still the capri sun sort of stuff?
    Ha, when I pass by someone walking a dog or with kids, I smile and say hi to the kids or dog... if someone is just walking alone, I have a hard time saying hello.
    And I think Sariah and that dog are awesome. That dog's expression! Ha!
