I swear, one time- somehow, somewhere, some place, I will be pregnant when no one else is. Or at least when less than 86% of the population is. It's doable, I am sure.
Other news- I appreciate all the congrats. =]
We aren't sure when the baby is due.
We went in for a doctor appt the end of January and they told me I was about 12-14 weeks along and due about July 10th-20th. I go in 4 weeks later and the doctor tells me I am about 15-16 weeks along and due early/mid August.
Confusing, right?
I just hope this baby and Sariah don't share the same birthday. That would be awkward. What would you even call that? The Twilight Twins? (As in the Twilight Zone, not the vampires. Darn Twilight, ruins everything).
So far, I think it is a boy. I have pretty easy pregnancies, but this one has been slightly more difficult. IE. I got a sinus cold for two weeks- which apparently occurs 1/3 pregnancies.
Also, we don't know if we are finding out the gender.
For those of you knew around here, we didn't find out what Sariah was until she was born- our choice, not because the ultrasound didn't show. And we LOVED it. It made it a lot more exciting, and I promise- it is not as hard as everyone thinks it is going to be. But since it was my choice last time, I am leaving it up to Joe this time to decide- and he hasn't. But we still have another 4 weeks till our next ultrasound.
Also, Sariah has quite the attitude. She is kinda like a teenager, and not even two yet. No lie. She just waves you off when she doesn't want you, and comes crying when she needs something.
I know your saying, "Typical toddler" but no- she isn't. And if your convinced she is, let me believe she isn't. Okay?
Tonight I was taking a bath and Sariah woke up (an hour after she went to bed). Joe went to console her back to sleep, and he fought long and hard but she won (I swear- she is stubborn when she wants something). So, Joe picked her up and she pointed down the hallway. He walked to the family room where she looked around and notice I was not there. So onward she pointed to our bedroom. We walked in and she studied the bed, and upon not finding me she noticed our bathroom light was on and pointed at the door. Joe said "Nope", and turned around. She then said "mama" and started to cry. So, Joe gave up and upon seeing me, she didn't smile, or reach for me. Just nodded in approval that I was there and waited for me. Then went to bed the instant I sat down with her in my arms.
She is a conniving little thing.
And that, is the baby time for today.
I try not to overload people- because I don't think that people other than my family cares about this stuff too much. And I wish I had a funny story for you.
Oh, Sariah LOVES to dance with Scouts stub of a tail. We actually call it a nub a lot, and it is a bit strange, but Sariah grabs onto that thing and walks around with Scout everywhere.
The End.
Baby Time
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If we ever get pregnant we plan on waiting to find out the gender too. It's more fun that way and so few ppl do it now! Technology, ruining the fun and mystery of babies! Lol
ReplyDeleteIf two of my kids shared a birthday, I'd still give them separate parties to save me the sanity of trying to keep both kids at peace. Lol, I hated sharing with my bro (his was early April) just because we could never agree on cake, theme, friends, etc. :P
ReplyDeleteBut then again, I was spoiled in getting parties anyways.
ANYWHO. Ramble over.
I think Sariah is cool because she has such a DEFINITE personality that is all her own. :)
As for finding out gender, I discovered I was so afraid of having a girl I HAD TO KNOW. (I feel like I won't understand her/know how to raise her all feminine like). I've come to grips with it now. You are just a much more patient non-anxious mother than I am! Kudos to you!
Congrats on 14 weeks... you look GREAT! I think my Drew is just around Sariah's age. :) He's really going through a similar stage right now and this whole Terrible Two's thing is kinda rearing it's ugly head. Anyway, I wanted to invite you to the Easter Basket Showcase tomorrow that I'm hosting. It's a link party to show off what's in your basket and I'd love to see what Sariah is getting! Hope you'll join! :)