Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

I have a strong attachment to Ash Wednesday. Something I will never do anything about probably, but one day- I hope I can.
No, this picture really has nothing to do with the post. But I didn't know what picture would be appropriate for this post...

I am not Catholic, and I do not know a lot about their religion, faith, or traditions. So I do not want to demean this day for those who hold it sacred. But my dad grew up Catholic, and I was born in a Catholic hospital.
This is the way I understand my birth:

I was due on February 14th.
I was two weeks late (the only of all 4 kids, and I was the youngest). I ended up being born in February 28th. Which also happened to be ASH WEDNESDAY.

My dad was coming up to my mom's room in the elevator, and *insert joke here* ran into a priest. After hearing the good news my dad had to share, and noticing no ash- the priest blessed my dad and marked his forhead. So when my dad entered my mom's room, being Latter-Day Saints, she was a bit confused to see the ash on his head.

No, not a funny spectacular story- but it has always been special to me. Birth stories are always special, and we all need something that sets ours apart. This day, does it for me.

Plus, I was born on a Holiday that allows me to still retain all the glory =].

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1 comment:

  1. I kept seeing people with marks on their forehead all day, and finally (at a McDonald's) I went up to a group of people and asked (politely). I was surprised at how happy they were to explain it rather than just have me keep looking at them strangely. XD I guess I never noticed that part of the holiday before.
    I love the birth-day stories. :) Ha, your dad and mom sound so cute. :)
