Monday, January 14, 2013

Yes, you MUST watch these videos.

It's MONDAY!!!!
Which means Joe is back at school for his second week in his second semester of Grad school.
Which means I had to re-learn how to be a single parent (for the day) again while Joe is gone.
Which means that phone calls inevitably had to be made and bills paid. Blah.
Which means that I was super productive and actually made an AMAZING dinner and crafted and cleaned! I know, I rock.
BUT, today also started out with donuts. Actually- I got a cinnamon roll. Because I LOVE them. So, all is okay in my world. How about yours?

Anyways, onto the movie for this week- you HAVE to watch them. I promise you, your life WILL be changed.

Apparently these videos are a sweeping sensation in Europe.
Joe and I watched in a week or two ago, and I have to say, we have it stuck in our heads. It is catchy!
And I mean, really, how cool is to to sing about FISH? And then, to be so popular, you get a music video!!!

It all started with this guy, just trying to get some customers.
And then, it EVOLVED into THIS!


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  1. Oh wow, thank you so much for sharing those videos!

  2. When your day starts with donuts, not much can bring you down!

    Ah, I like that fish song... I think it's going on the Ipod.

  3. The fish song serious make me laugh. I'm going to post it on G+. I followed your link from Aloha Friday. Feel free to stop by.
