Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I didn't fail, I just wasn't successful.

Tonight Temple Grandin spoke at UNL.
We were pretty excited, and had been planning on attending for a few weeks- well before Christmas.
We even got there 30 minutes early, had a bag full of treats and toys for Sariah, had her in her pj's, and we even had dinner before we left- not rushing. Oh ya, we were PRE-PARED.

Except for the fact that UNL is an Ag-based school, and so we were not quite ready for the crowd of people that were there. Or the fact that there were no open seats by the time we got there. I mean, they had overflow seats. But then we found out that they were broadcasting it online. And heck, if we are gonna watch her speak on a TV anyways, we would much rather do it from the comfort of our toddler-friendly home.

BUT I was able to go all paparazzi and grab some horrible iphone pictures of her.
We even probably breathed the same air as her. Cool, huh?

By the way, this is Temple Grandin.


She is an amazing women. In a nutshell: She was the first women animal behaviorist, revolutionized the meat industry as we know it, and has a PhD in animal science. By the way, she was diagnosed with brain damage and is considered autistic, although has accomplished HUGE milestones in her life and is a big autistic activist.

HBO did a great movie about her. Beyond this, she has personally been published many times- and is part of the BIG reason why I am A-OK eating a nice big steak for dinner tonight. At least that cow died happy, thanks to her.


Anyways, it isn't always about the fact that you didn't succeed.
It's more about the idea that you get to try again.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm always impressed by people who accomplish things even when society (or even doctors) say they can't. I appreciate the cow hugger machine!

    And of course you were paparazzi, I'd be disappointed if you didn't!
