Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday Confessions Time

1. I DON'T HEAR.......WELL.

I don't really even know how to say this, but I am pretty sure everyone I have ever met can attest to the fact that I have a hearing problem. Case in point:

Joe: "Did you hear a kid at BYU-I got pulled over outside of Idaho Falls for speeding, and then they found he had an illegal amount of marijuana and a bomb."
*What Mary heard*: Did you hear a kid at BYU-I got pulled over for outside of Idaho Falls for speeding, and then they found he had an illegal amount of marijuana in a bomb?

Mary: Wow. *Confused. Trying to think it through.* So, was he going to light it and just get a bunch of people high?
Joe: What?
Mary: Oh, wait- or, can you use marijuana as a reactive chemical in a bomb, and was he going to use it to explode stuff?
Joe: Mary, what are you talking about?
Mary: You said he had marijuana in a bomb.
Joe: No. I said he had marijuana AND a bomb.
Mary: Oh. That makes a lot more sense. I was just imagining a giant ball of marijuana in the shape of a bomb.

2. No

Not for me. For our primary kids at church. Because hey, 3-4 year olds are hard to handel. And we realized we could captivate them with movies on our phone/computer (Yes, we did start brining our computer for them). Because really, 50 minutes is a LONG time to teach 8 of these kids. No one can focus. So, the last like 10-15 min of class is devoted to SPIRITUAL movies. We at least keep it in line with church, thank you very much. 
But not today. Today a girl asked, "Are we going to watch a movie today?" Clearly, we may have over-done it. 

3. We have a German Shorthair Pointer

Okay, no surprise there. But we didn't take her hunting this year. I am pretty sure we are going against the laws of gravity or something (maybe just the laws of nature). A dog should be used for what it is meant for. I feel bad. She loves those birds, and I just know she dreams of carrying a dead one triumphantly in her mouth back to us one day. 

4. I am one of those people that when someone says, "Take this for free" I do not argue.

On friday when we went to get our donuts, we asked for a milk as well. The lady forgot to rang it up, and Joe noticed right as she handed us our receipt. She felt bad and just grabbed a milk for us and told us to take it anyways- but we said no, we didn't really need it and walked out, even though she insisted we took it. 
Me, I am the kinda person to take it. The person offered it, why fight? I guess it's sorta sleazy and cheap of me, but when something isn't mine, I feel like I can spend it like crazy (like someone offers to take me out to dinner). It's bad, I know. But it is the way it is. 

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  1. Dude. When I taught primary in Germany, I used movies all the time. It was so much easier to teach the kids with the scripture movies in German, because it caught their attention a lot more than me telling the scripture stories with my funny American accent. No shame in bringin' the laptop.

    And didn't you know that marijuana bombs are the newest WMD?

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. Crazy stuff is afoot at the BYU-I!

    We had the same thing happen to us at Chili's last night, where they didn't charge our strawberry lemonade. I felt guilty (as a former restaurant slave/worker) already since we used a coupon for a free appetizer and split an entree. But she insisted.. So I felt like we got away with murder :)
