Monday, December 3, 2012

Movie Monday: An expecting edition.

The royal couple are pregnant.
I am excited. 
I do not know why, and I guess if I think about it, it seems a bit ridiculous. 
But then I think about it some more, and realize it really isn't that ridiculous. 

When the wedding was going on, I heard a lot of comments on Facebook and wherever of people getting sick of the publicity and saying that there were more important things the news could talk about.

I mean yes, we all didn't need to stay up all night and miss work to watch it- but someone had to, right? 
No, actually...I didn't watch it. I saw clips the following day and loved it. BUT, I still got annoyed with peoples remarks.
Honestly, it is kinda a big deal.
England is America's biggest ally. And this couple is probably gonna be in charge one I feel it is important. (I know not 'in charge', with the parlament and everything...but you understand, right?).

I mean, it is more than just watching another wedding, or hearing of another baby is on the way- it is something happening that countries and cultures can unite in and rejoice on. It is a moment of peace in this crazy world of war, famine and destruction. So let's be happy, right?

The End. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I think getting excited for another person's good news is one of those qualities we're supposed to have as women in Relief Society. So I was like "Good for you guys!" when I saw the news. :)
