Monday, November 19, 2012

Movie Monday!!!

Ahh Thanksgiving week.
I am so excited.
I am excited to eat turkey. And pies. Oh, I love pie.
But mostly, I am excited for Joe to not have to go to school.

Lately, I am experiencing this odd sense of relief of not going to school. For the first time since graduating.
Even though I have all year off of school and don't have to worry about school, I am probably more excited about this break than I should be. Really, I am just being selfish and see the opportunity that Joe gets to be home and help me with Sariah. =]
But still. Lately, the fact that I am NO LONGER A STUDENT is hitting me hard.
Like today we were driving home from picking Joe up at school, and we saw the Toyota dealership, and Joe asked, "Want to go car shopping?" (Not that we have the money to do so- but it is always fun to look! Unless you have a squirmy toddler. Then the only fun you will have is to put her in the back of a truck and watch her face light up as she walks around the wobbly bed). But, still, my heart was about to go into that panic mode it did while I was in school- debating on if I had time to devote to car shopping, or if I had too much homework to do. But then I realized, I had nothing else planned. Dinner was in the slow cooker, we had the dogs, we had time. We could do it.
And it was so exciting!
I felt like a mom on senior mom ditch day or something!

So anyways, on to Thanksgiving and Movie Monday!
So when I think of Thanksgiving, I always end up thinking about the allState commercial about the high amount of people who attempt and fail at deep frying their turkeys every year.
I find this commercial highly entertaining for some reason.
Then it gets me thinking about all the other amazing insurance commercials out there.
Really, for something so stupid and irritating as car insurance, they sure do make it up with their commercials. Like really, who doesn't love a good mayhem commercial?
But going then made me think of Trunk Monkey.
Ever heard/seen trunk monkey?
Well, your about to.

The End.


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