Tuesday, November 20, 2012


There are very specific reasons children are amazing.
I didn't say few. I said specific. There are MANY specific reasons. But today I am going to mention a few. Okay, one.
Children really DO say the darnest things. 

Remember how I told you in this post about the little girl who disapproved on my attempted drawing of a swan? Well, her name is Nora. She is really sweet and probably one of our favorites to teach in our sunbeams class (3-4 year olds). Well, Nora (I can't remember, but I don't think her name has an H at the end) has a best friend. His name is Rylan. They are both in our class- and ALWAYS sit next to each other. It's really cute, actually. They always know all the answers to the questions, are quite, participate, and are just really good in class (Hence why they are our favorites).
Well anyways, this last Sunday as Joe and I were working on helping the kids with their turkey projects, Nora was explaining to Rylan how he was going to marry her.

Nora: It's not that I want you marry you, but you want to marry me.
Rylan: No I don't!
Nora: Yes you do!

A little while after this, I decided to ask another girl, Kate, if her mom was pregnant. Her mom is stick skinny, and looked slightly on the pudgy side- which for her, could only mean pregnant. And, because these kids don't know a stick from a stone when it comes to secrets, I knew she would tell me. This is how the events turned out.

Me: Kate, are you guys having a baby?
Kate: Yes.
Rylan: Are you having a brother or a sister?
Kate: I don't know yet.
Nora: My mom is having a brother! And she said what she is going to name him.
Me: What is his name going to be?
Nora: My sister wants to name her Almanzo, because its an old pioneer name. But I want to name him meatloaf. And my mom said that if he comes out looking like meatloaf, we will name him that.
*Nora's mom, who is passing by the classroom and hear's Nora explain this, quickly opens the door and yells, "I did not!" and closes the door.*
Later on talking to Nora's mom about this, she explains that she has no clue where Nora got meatloaf from, but has been stuck on it for weeks. I told her about the flamingo story, and asked if she does this sort of thing a lot. Her mom say's that Nora is the most straight faced story teller in the family. One day their grandparents came to visit, and Nora said, "I had a brother once. But he died so we buried him in the back yard."

Honestly. Children. The say the greatest things. Probably the #1 reason why people have any, right?
I know I am looking forward to it.

Also, although we are 'technically adults'  here is something funny. =]

Oh, and Sariah. She is a favorite around here. 
I am glad to know she is not color blind.
She also doesn't like green beans. 

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1 comment:

  1. Bahaha! Nora sounds like Lilo from Lilo & Stitch. She's gonna be a fun one once she is in public schooling and teachers have to report some things. Ohhhh joys. :)
