Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A turkey for those thoughts?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
I am excited to stuff my belly full of scrumptious foods you get only this time of year.

I was also really debating on if I should do a 'grateful' post. I feel like they have become so...redundant, pointless, meaningless, with Facebook and all the latest trends. But then a blogger commented how it isn't the worst bandwagon you could be part of. And that is a VERY good point.
So, here we go.

1. I am grateful for Pinterest.

 (Sorry it's so blurry)

Because of it, I have more ideas than I know what to do with.

2. I am grateful for internet and social media.
I gotta admit, sometimes I really hate this one. But when I read things like this, it makes me laugh, then I realize that Joe and I- we are not alone in this crazy world. 

3. I am grateful that it really IS a small world after all.
(Which, btw, was definitely one of my favorite rides when I was little. I distinctly remember my sisters asking my parents WHY they let me buy a fake phone that would only play that song over and over and over. It was a fun car ride home from Disney Land).
And speaking of this, we just so happened to move to Nebraska the same time as another family from the same area in Ca moved here too. We didn't know each other, but had a common friend who recommended we meet up. The wife and I have been hanging out with our kids every week since we got her. The other day, Joe realized he knows her- he was friends with her little brother growing up, but they got out of touch in HS. SMALL WORLD, RIGHT???

4. I am grateful for stupid red squiggly lines that should go jump of a cliff and dive into a pit of molases and hungry children. AKA auto-correct stuff.
I wouldn't DARE haunt you with those death threats that torment out writing in this vastly growing computer/technology world. But, as much as I hate them, I suppose they make me be a better person. Or at least a better writer. 

5. I am grateful for all the things I SHOULD be (and am) grateful for.
I won't forget to mention them. 
My husband.
My daughter.
My parents and siblings.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sunny, warm days.
Bath & Body Works.
Warm, fluffy towels straight from the dryer.
Chinese food.
Little old women who give my daughter free donuts.
Women who stand in front of me in line with 3 children (and one on the way), fully covered in her religious attire (arab), and smile at me- and tell their daughter to say hi to me in her broken English. It makes the world seem a bit smaller and closer together.
The fact that my daughter knows the delete and escape buttons on the computer. And only those buttons. Not yet. Not quite ready to be grateful for that.
My daughter's love of books.
Date nights.
Warm baths that are almost too hot to stand.
Getting outside.
Being surrounded in something that you have no control over, and feeling completely alone and alive.
Being part of something bigger than yourself.
Jokes on popsicle sticks.
Fortune cookies.
Breadsticks at Olive Garden. And Red Lobster. Mmmmm.
Heating pads.
Sunflowers. And their seeds.
Corn on the cob.
The ability to talk.
Boxes to carry and hold all our stuff while we move (and live out of while we look for a dresser. Still).
7/11. The day. In July. And the place. Oh, slurpees. 


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