Monday, November 26, 2012

Movie Monday: Not a lot of turkey.

I actually refrained myself from over-eating on Thanksgiving.
I sort of regret it.
I think Joe did to when we got home and realized we had NO food in our place and had to make a quick run to McDonalds for dinner. Like really, who in the world eats and McDonalds after they eat a Thanksgiving meal? (Okay, granted, it was about 5 hours after we ate. But still.)
Now, I just dream of Christmas dinner. And Christmas treats. And how I will now make up for it with baking lots of Christmas cookies. Oh, how sweet it shall be (Oh my heck, look at that! I made a pun).

Anyways, here we are- at Monday. Movie Monday.
You can all officially start celebrating Christmas.
I am not one of those "grouchy-no-Christmas-until-after-Thanksgiving" kind of people, but I definitely agree with celebrating one Holiday at a time. But mostly for my sake. Mostly, I don't want to get sick of Christmas/lose the spirit, because I tend to OD on Christmas during the month.
Maybe I should change my ways. Have a heart full of Christmas all year round.
But let's get real. I can only spare so much room for Santa in my heart. 25 day will have to be it (plus the days after Thanksgiving).

So, in tribute of the upcoming Holiday, a scene from one of my FAVORITE Christmas movies.
Enjoy. =]

The End.

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  1. haha, you just made me want more leftovers (gone :( ) AND mcDonald's. I totally laughed at that! I totally get it though- what DO you eat after thanksgiving? especially if you feast at someone else's place and have no leftovers? I'd take mcdonalds too!

  2. I am so glad you said you regretted it. I see those pins on pinterest saying diet garbage like you won't regret not eating that cake blah blah blah. NO! I like eating, dangit! I like overeating! I know it's not good for you and not supposed to be a common practice, but on holidays? Indulge!
    And Michael Caine in Muppet Christmas Carol makes my heart dance. Gonzo should also be a narrator for all the literary classics, it would've made the world a more cultured place.
