Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Confessions: Let the week begin!

I am not looking forward to this week.
Mostly, I see it as an evil foe. Coming at me with three headed, fire-breathing dragons. And me, not even suited up for armor. Just crumpled up in a circle crying, not wanting for this Thanksgiving break to be over.
It isn't just me, right?
Anyways. This week seems to be one of those weeks where if I don't start out strong, It will end up kicking my butt. So, I should probably set some goals, or something, shouldn't I? Like working out (Stupid Thanksgiving pie), cleaning, running errands, getting things mailed. I should definitely do that.

But, anyways. That is now what this post is for!
Do you guys like these? Sometimes I do.

1. I don't didn't know how to spell D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y correctly.
That is, before this blog. More precisely, about a week ago. I had to keep looking it up, until I finally memorized it. Two I's. E-L-Y, not L-E-Y.

2. I HATE cleaning out bags to re-use them.
You know, like freezer bags? We have the food saver and good ol' ziploc freezer bags, and I know I should re-use them, but it is SO HARD. I HATE to clean them out. I would much rather throw them away and buy new ones. I leave them piled by the sink forever, then they smell...then it is WAY easier to just throw them out.

3. My husband has a Pinterest.
Okay, so this isn't really MY confession. But I think it is super cool/funny that he does. Except all he does is basically make pins of all the stuff he wants and add's them to pinterest so that I know what he wants. Convenient really.

4. I think Babe is possibly the greatest child's movie ever.
Okay, not the worst thing I could have said- but I love it. Joe and I watched it tonight, and although he first half makes me want to go vegetarian and never let my kids watch it (in fear that they will want to go vegetarian), it is so great. Plus, in one scene, two ducks were totally trying to make babies and it makes it even better.

The End.

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