Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's Wednesday! A penny for your thought?

Just to get you thinking.

+ I finished a horrible book today. I had checked it out 3 weeks ago, and while I decently enjoyed it, I hated the book. The book is called Wives Behaving Badly by Elizabeth Buchan. I had picked it up and read what it was about, and somehow, oddly, thought it was going to be COMPLETELY different than it actually was. It was rather borring, and ended horribly. But I had to finish it.

+Sariah is sick again. Which I used to not mind- she used to sleep great when she slept. In fact, she is taking a nap right now and doing pretty good. But last night was horrible. She had to sleep with us and I do not like having her sleep with us. I end up sleeping horribly, and wake up having my back all contorted.

+I suck at 'simmering' anything. It is my curse in life. How does one actually know if it is simmering properly if you are always supposed to keep it covered?

+I love to watch the AKC championship on Thanksgiving, much more than the parade.

+In this blogger's blog post over here, she talks about fighting in marriage. I was reading through the comments and I had to laugh at all the newlyweds and people who weren't even dating who were like, "We never fight. Sometimes we bicker though", but then all the people who had been married for over a year, could all attest to fights in marriage. It's natural people. It doesn't have to be yelling and screaming either. And bickering is just a nice way of saying you fight without making yourself feel bad.


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