Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Putting life into perspective

You know, some days suck. They really do. Some people call it waking up on the wrong side of the bed, some call it karma, and others call it seeing the glass as half empty. I just see is as reality. Some days you wakeup, and instead of the devil groaning that your awake, he cackles (yes, the devil does cackle), and you just have to accept that no matter how hard you try- the day is going to suck.

Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t TRY and make it better.Because no doubt when you TRY and make a sucky day better, it will in fact bebetter. In fact, some days can turn into good days. But still, you are betteroff admitting that some days are bad ones, and move on.

Yesterday was one of those days. The world was lookingrather bleak, our bank account was looking rather empty, I was feeling emptyinside and not too happy or bright. Sariah couldn’t make up her mind what shewanted, and Scout seemed to have just a little bit too much energy. It allaccumulated in a break down where Joe held me as I cried, and he was magicallyable to articulate everything I was feeling. Which was truly magic, becauseeven I didn’t know what was wrong.

Then BAM! Perspective hits. Like a driver who makes a lefthand turn in front of you on a 45MPH road and expects you to stop for them asthey slowly gain speed to make itacross all four lanes onto their side of the road. It hit’s hard and fast, anddon’t expect it.

Like today. It was a pretty good day. Sariah and I werefairly productive, swept the house, went to the library, made lunch, then werewalking to the dog park. It was nice weather (45 degrees, nice, you know?), andI was looking forward to walking a few laps, listening to Christmas music, andgetting some energy out of Scout. But that dang perceptive, it just buts it’snose into everything. And you realize, days really can get worst.
Here is what happened:

SCENE: Dog ‘run’ AKA dog park. There are 5 car’s in theparking lot.
I enter the first gate and proceed to unleash the hounds. Iglance around at the first table in the dog park, where most people gather totalk. Three people are seated and standing around said table, their dogs justlounging around- waiting for my dogs to enter to attack. No one new- I haveseen all these dogs multiple times before.
I open the second gate to let Penny and Scout in, and theyrun off (ok, Scout does- Penny runs in like a frightened chicken because thegates are on a hinge and she is scared of them).  I grab the stroller and push it through andstand  just inside the gate adjusting theleashes before we start walking. A rather timid looking dog approaches meshyly, and I reach down to pet her. MISTAKE. She immediately takes the pet as a“welcome, please jump all over my daughter” and basically climbs into Sariah’sstroller, determined to eat every last crumb that she has ever dropped in thatthing. Of course, another dog along with Scout are curious and decide to jointhe first dog.
So, there I am, bending over, doing my BEST to push thesethree dog’s out of Sariah’s face and stroller (which she doesn’t mind, but I sure do), when all the sudden the back of my leg feel’s warm. Then wet.
I turn around the see another dog walking away.
I know it may be hard to see, but that dark stain- ya, that's the target. And it kept going on around my leg.
Yes. Really. And it wasn’t low- it was above my knee. By adog I have met before.
The owner comes over and says,  

“oh, did he pee on you again? Oh, Marley! CanI wash your jeans for you?”

Oh yes, let me take them off right now and walkaround with no pants on…..hmmm….
I politely decline, just wanting to get all these dogs awayfor the moment (this all happened within about 2 min of being in the dogpark-mind you).

I mean really, I don’t blame her for offering to wash mypants- and I don’t know what else she could have done, but you know how stupidyou feel when you get peed on by a dog? At a DOG park? You really shouldn’tfeel so stupid. It actually makes sense. But for some reason, being target by amale dog like that makes you feel like you have succumbed to dog level. Thewhole  “you have been marked!” makes youfeel not like a human, controller of these beasts- but like you are, indeed,their property.
And because we had JUST gotten there, and I had walkedthere, and it would take me 20 minutes to get home- I really didn’t feel like Ihad any other choice. So, I walked around the dog park, with dog-peed pants.

So, now I know. Firsthand, that your day can always get a little bit worst. Thank you, dog, for putting my life into perspective. 

The end. =]



  2. not fun :( i hope your day got better after that.
