Monday, October 15, 2012

Movie Monday

Friday Joe came home from school and announced that he was on Fall Break.
They get Monday and Tuesday off (today and tomorrow), but he and I were unaware until, you know, last minute. SO, no fun trips planned.Just relaxing. Honestly, it hasn't even seemed like a 4 day weekend. Just a 2 day weekend that has a few more hours in every day. Honestly. I still feel like it's Saturday.  But I don't even know what we did Saturday.

I think that was the day we were abducted by aliens. Or sat around and played video games.
Either way, it explains why my mind is blank.

Today we discovered a new park-err, walking trail really. 
We are feeling rather suffocated in Nebraska. 
Especially when all the family things cost money and there are no mountains to run to.
So, we made best with a walking trail- got a fall fix, but didn't cure our wilderness blues.

Also, I have been doing exercises on the wall (really, it isn't as funny as it sounds), and our place has ridiculously cheap matte paint- and now our walls have feet print everywhere- from only doing it once. It's upsetting.

Sorry. Ranting.
Here we are at Monday (so I have been told). 
So this image really makes me laugh

And so I was talking to it with Joe (telling him), and I must confess....I have never actually SEEN the Hammer Time music video it is referring to (Child of the 90's, NOT the 80's). So, in honor of this- you all must watch it as well.
Enjoy =]

1 comment:

  1. 90s! Represent! I think we still got a taste of the 80's because our parents weren't quite over it yet.
