Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to crate train a DOG and a TODDLER.

About a month ago we got Scout a crate.
She had already chewed/destroyed items such as: Computer charger, scriptures, chair, every soda we would leave in the car, anything on the counters (mostly butter),  binders, food such as flour,sugar, breadcrumbs....even though it wasn't COSTLY, it was getting ridiculous just to clean!
Then, one day I had to run to Walmart. I left Scout in the car, and told her if she was good- we would got to PetSmart after.
Sariah and I were in & out in 15 minutes. And each one of those minutes was filled with heart-thumping, blood curdling moments wondering WHAT Scout was doing.
When I got out, I had discovered that she had torn up the upholstery in our car. =/ Ya. No buenos. The crate was ordered that night. 

But, we didn't quite have time to do the 'traditional' crate training.
So, this is how it went, and how I suggest to crate train a dog in 5 minutes or less!

Step 1: Set up crate.
Step 2: Show dog crate. Allow dog to step in and sniff for approximately 15 seconds.
Step 3: Allow dog last freedom while you grab some dog treats, and any stray toys.
Step 4: Throw in treats, toys, and dog- latch door shut.
Step 5: Tell dog to be good, and leave. Immediately. (Possibly leave some music on).

Yes, bad owners are we. 
But today, I was SO excited when Joe and I were putting on our shoes getting ready to leave- that Scout went in her kennel BY HERSELF and laid down. 
Clearly, our method worked.

A lot less hassle too!
But luckily for Scout, she got to come on this outing (Actually, our dogs come on MOST of our outings. She just normally is in the kennel in the car).

Now, what about your toddler? Well see, Sariah had JUST woken up from a nap, and was not having fun being put down on the floor and not being held. But, needing shoes, I had to put her down. She walked over to the kennel and just cried. Then Scout, being a good dog- got into the Kennel. Sariah was then completely overcome with joy- stepped into the kennel, shut the door, and continued to play with Scout- by trying to steal her squeaky toy.

I don't think I can emphasize enough how cute these two are together.
And they get along great.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a patient dog owner, in my opinion. I would've lost it with the computer charger!
